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2nd ed. Alternative title: ASERL, 1956-66. 47 l. ; 28 cm. LC clasification: Z673. Library of Virginia copy digitized by LVA 2015-11. Optimized and OCRd by VCU 2015-11.

Date of Submission

October 2023


The Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL) 1956-1966 report was meant to "gather into one place information regarding the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries which would seem to be of permanent interest" for members.

The report was compiled from correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports by graduate student Mrs. Wesley McCachren, and overseen by Stanley L. West, Director of Libraries at the University of Florida.

The 1956-1966 report outlines topics ranging from the aims and objectives, membership, and policy statements of ASERL institutions, to domestic and foreign newspaper projects, guides to distinguished collections, and a survey of Southeastern State documents.


Libraries -- Southern States; Association of Southeastern Research Libraries

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History of VCU Libraries


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