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VCU Non-University Park Plaza and Paterson Gardens Reservation Request Form

Please take a few moments to complete the VCU Non-University Park Plaza and Patterson Gardens Reservation Request Form for single or multi-day campus demonstrations.

Completion of this form does not constitute a commitment to holding your event at VCU. All events must receive email confirmation to finalize all reservations.

All events and reservations on campus must abide by the Interim Campus Expression and Space Utilization Policy found here:

Please refer to section II.B.5 of the Interim Campus Expression and Space Utilization Policy and the FAQ, "How is this policy applicable to non-VCU-affiliated persons?" for information about reserving the Park Plaza and Patterson Gardens no more than five days in advance of the desired date of use. The Park Plaza and Patterson Gardens are generally available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday while regular classes are being held. These spaces are not available if the university is closed or if classes are not held, for example during breaks, reading days, or exam periods. Consult the university’s academic calendar for relevant dates. The Park Plaza is the amphitheater marked by large VCU letters located on Park Avenue to the east of the Singleton Center (922 Park Ave.) and across the intersection from the Moseley House (1001 Grove Ave.). Patterson Gardens is located adjacent to the Cary Street Gym.

Thank you in advance for your interest in Virginia Commonwealth University. We look forward to hosting your upcoming event!

For questions please email or call 804-828-9502.

Event Title: *
Requester Name: *
Requester Title:
Requester Address: *
Requester Phone Number: *
Requester E-Mail Address: *
Are members of the media being invited? *
Why do you want to host your event or meeting at VCU? *
Please provide a detailed description of your event: *
Event type? Event content? Who will be attending?  (Adults, high school students, VCU students, etc.) Expected noise volume?
Event Date:
Event Start Time:
Event End Time:
If you have a recurring event, such as a weekly meeting, please list additional dates:
Alternative Date:
Estimated Attendance: *
Please list reservation URL or Social Media sites associated with this event. *
Is this event a dance or concert? *
Will there be outdoor amplified sound? *
Is there a need for police presence? *
Will you be serving alcohol? *
If yes, security and a copy of the ABC license will be required.
Number of officers required:
Security officers are required for events where alcohol is present or traffic control is necessary. The cost is $36.00 per hour/per officer
Please list keynote speakers, government officials, dignitaries, or any other VIP's attending this event. *
*Indicate if dignitary will be traveling with their own security.
Please describe topics covered and speakers organizational affiliation. *
Will any minors (age 17 and under) be in attendance? *
Will you need to install any structure, such as a tent, scaffold, bounce house, or carnival-style ride? *
Will the presence of any object or substance requiring review by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, including any animal, open flame, firework, pyrotechnic, or other flammable or hazardous item be present at this event? *
I understand that this is only a request, not a confirmation. *
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